Slowmove are a five piece alt-rock outfit with members from Edinburgh, Glasgow and thereabouts. I reviewed their EP ‘Before We Came to Know’ which featured the previous vocalist Gemma, however as of this release, and all subsequent releases their vocalist is now Rebecca. In fact they were recently a contestant on the popular BBC quiz show ‘Pointless’ where they talked a little about the band, and if you’re interested check that out here. Today, though, I’ll be reviewing Slowmove’s single ‘Lifeguard’ which was released February 12th 2024. 

‘Lifeguard’ opens things up strongly, a measured but energetic beat fused from strings and drums, leads us forward, and they blend into the dreamy vocals from Becca, they work in concert to create a song jam packed full of energy and angst. As I mentioned above, within the relatively recent history of the band they’ve had a couple of band member changes, and yet they work incredibly well together. Becca’s voice leads the performance, but the instrumentalists are superb, especially as the track draws to a finish, there’s just some spectacular showings from both the strings and drums. I particularly enjoyed how well balanced the track was, the slower more vocal focused sections, juxtaposed and elevated by the faster, more frenzied instrumental parts. 

So that’s what I thought of Slowmove’s single ‘Lifeguard’ and if you want to check that out for yourself then head on over to Spotify. While you’re at it, make sure and support the band by following them on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram

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